Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Role Immigration Plays in Drug Trafficiking Research Paper

The Role Immigration Plays in Drug Trafficiking - Research Paper Example Production, operation and use of unlawful drugs are the ultimate danger towards the well being of the global community worldwide. In this connection, drug trafficking has became one of the major concerns that is being faced by many countries around the world. The most probable reason for this major concern of drug trafficking is recognized as unlawful immigration (Olario, n.d.). In the paper, the role that immigration generally plays in drug trafficking is taken into concern. Various aspects such as the link between unlawful immigration and crime, origin of drug dealers in the United States, various effects of drug trafficking and necessary policies along with a summative conclusion is taken into concern in the discussion of this paper. It has been recognized that most of the unlawful immigrants who are coming transversely from the southern border are usually involved in practicing the unlawful offense of drug smuggling. In lieu of this, the unlawful immigrants are not complying with the lawful considerations and they are regarded as criminals as they carry unlawful drugs on their backs. A few of the unlawful immigrants often come to the United States to look for work but are detained and they become a subject of the drug interest groups or associations (CNN, 2010). The United States /Mexico boundary is the principal spot of entrance especially for the drugs such as cocaine that are prevailed into the US. According to the latest evaluation that is made by interagency intelligence, it has been notified that an unlawful business operation of cocaine is practiced in the US and is accessible in all chief cities of the US (US Drug Enforcement Agency, 2004). Apart from the market of cocaine in the United States, the market of heroin is also firm in many US cities. Most of the heroine is produced in Mexico. In the previous years, the US has undertaken quite a few steps against the market of heroin (US Drug

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