Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rwanda essays

Rwanda essays In my opinion, Belgians have the biggest responsibility of genocide in Rwanda. Every thing started with Belgiums colonizatation. They did many horrible things to Rwanda and its people. Firstly, the first thing they did is the seperatation. Before Belgians come, there were many groups living in the country peacefully. There wasnt any ruler or a king there. However, Belgium, by this peacefully way they couldnt have reached their intention. Hence, they decided to set at loggerheads Hutus and Tutsis. Hutus and Tutsis have already been divided by their stereotypes. Conversely they were not enemies. Afterwards, Belgians made an identify card system, day by day which will become a hereditary thing. It helped Belgium to start a war between these two groups. It was known that Tutsis were known as the rulers and Hutus were the workers. Conversely there wasnt an enmity. And also being a Tutsi or a Hutu comes from having 10 or less cattle and having 10 or more cattle. Thus, their grandfathers designate their groups. I think that, it was the best way to start a war and now we can easily say that it was genocide. They made real separation because before Belgium there was nobody killing each other. Furthermore, when something become hereditary, nobody can change it. It was maybe the same as a rule but also it was more unchangeable than a rule. Hence, making something hereditary will be sometimes easy as we see in this example but break it we need hundreds of years. Secondly, they worked hand in hand with Catholic Church, which ran the schools. So that Huru children will learn Christian but Tutsis wont. Because they was known as race of Ham, one of the three sons of Noah. By that, they also started region separation I think. As a consequence, maybe Hutus didnt do anything to Tutsis in the past because of Tutsis region power. But now there is no handicap! It is becoming more and more important year by year . ...

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