Sunday, November 3, 2019

The clash of civilizations through different perspectives Essay

The clash of civilizations through different perspectives - Essay Example There is a great division between human beings globally due to the divergent cultures; notably, conflicts will be caused by the differences in cultures of people. In essence, the clash of civilization is the center of interest. In other words, the current differences and divisions on cultural background is the future battlefield (Webber, 2008). Imperatively, civilization refers to the cultural entities of ethnic groups, villages, religious groups, and nationalities. People are carried around the world at most with the principle of civilization. This situational phenomenon explains the advanced state of human society. This advanced state encompasses the far to which aspects like high levels of industry, science, government, as well as, culture have so far reached (Ridley, 2006). This paper will discuss the future of civilization under the relevant perspectives of system level analysis, state level analysis and individual level analysis in regards to politics. Conversely, civilization is the broader cultural identity and groupings of individual in the society; they vary, rise and fall, merge and divide, and end with time. It has to be restated that difference among civilization are basic and real. This is because people differentiate themselves based on culture, language, tradition, and religion (Surowiecki, 2004). People in the different culture perceive issues differently such as God, rights of others, equality, hierarchy, and freedom. These differences are real and the source of conflict in the future if not addressed. Discourse on the divergent cultural differences is essential in promoting peace and the future. The differences between cultures are the source of conflicts; however, conflict does not mean violence. Huntington (2007) asserts that globalization is reducing the world into a community of people through internet and information technology. This has

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